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Mr.Stenphen Cheng of The University of Akron was invited as Honorary Professor of Sichuan University


In the morning of May 28th, Prof. Shi Jian, vice-Principle of our university, met Prof. Stephen Cheng, Dean of Polymer Science and Engineering College of The University of Akron in U.S., academician of American faculty of engineering and guest professor of Sichuan University. A number of leaders from Polymer Science and Engineering College of Sichuan University attended the meeting.
  In the meeting, vice-Principle Prof. Shi Jian expressed warm welcome to Prof. Stephen Cheng on behalf of Sichuan University and appreciated his support for polymer faculty in Sichuan University. Vice-Principle Prof. Shi Jian looked forward to a further cooperation with Polymer Science and Engineering College of the University of Akron in U.S. in terms of joint postgraduate training, teacher training and scientific research.
   Vice-Principle Prof. Shi Jian awarded Honorary Professor-ship of Sichuan University to Prof. Stephen Cheng. Prof. Stephen Cheng thanked Sichuan University for the invitation. He said he would strive to promote the cultivation of talents and the scientific research work.
  In the evening, Prof. Stephen Cheng gave a lecture to the undergraduates from the College of Polymer Science and Engineering.
